Sur Legal’s Efforts Recognized Nationally and Locally
On November 4, 2023, Sur Legal Collaborative’s Co-Founder and Executive Director, Shelly Anand, attended the annual Chopsticks for Charity Gala—hosted by The National Association of Asian American Professionals – Atlanta Chapter—to accept a generous grant award of $5,000 on behalf of the organization.
Chopsticks for Charity
Executive Director, Shelly Anand, accepts generous award on behalf of Sur Legal.
Sur Legal will use this award to translate our existing popular education materials to API languages, create targeted popular education materials focused on hazardous industries where API immigrant workers are concentrated—including nail salons and massage parlors—provide Know Your Rights training to API immigrant community based organizations, and provide legal representation to API immigrant workers on labor complaints and applications for immigration relief. We’d like to say a big thank you to NAAAP for this recognition and award!
On December 7, 2023, Shelly co-presented a workshop along with Claudia Sanchez, Co-Director of WeCount! and Eddie Sanchez, Co-Director of SoCalCOSH at the annual National Conference on Worker Safety and Health (COSHCON) in Baltimore, Maryland. The only national gathering of its kind, COSHCON brings together a diverse, inclusive and bilingual group of workers, occupational health and safety experts, unions, activists and academics to celebrate and encourage workers' power, make our workplaces safer, and reduce the toll of on-the-job injuries, illnesses, and fatalities. During a session entitled “OSHA for All: Effective Relationship Building to Ensure the Health and Safety of Workers”, Shelly, Claudia, and Eddie spoke with 40 worker and union advocates from across the country about the basics of filing OSHA complaints as well as best practices based on Shelly’s expertise as a former litigator for OSHA. The presenters further discussed the importance of building relationships with local, regional, and national OSHA officials and Shelly provided an overview of their rights in representing workers as third party representatives.
Shelly presented to 40 worker and union advocates from across the country.
We remain committed to sharing essential information with communities across the Deep South! If you would like to partner with Sur Legal Collaborative to host an in-language Know Your Rights training for your community, school, group, or organization, please contact us at